Monday, February 22, 2021

Happy 14th Birthday!

It snowed so much on your birthday this year.  It was still snowing in the afternoon and evening, and so we decided to postpone your annual balloon launch.  It was a beautiful white birthday though. We still celebrated you and talked about memories.

This birthday was a little more emotional because your cousin Ansley has joined you in heaven.  She passed away unexpectedly on January 20, 2021.

Ansley Marie Carroll--16 years old

We did your balloon release on Feb 20th, to commemorate 1 month of Ansley being gone.  We decided to release the balloons at Ansley's graveside.  We got an extra  purple balloon to release in her memory as well.  It brings me some comfort to know you cousins are reunited and together.  

This was my Facebook post on your birthday:

I have 3 daughters, even though most people only see 2 when they look at our family. Today our angel Candace would be 14 years old. I often wonder what she would be like, what interests or hobbies she would have, how her interaction with her sisters and brothers would be. I know that our family doesn't feel complete without her, which is something I've just had to learn to live with for now. Happy Birthday sweet angel daughter of mine! I look forward to being reunited with you one day.

We love you angel girl!  Can't wait to embrace you again one day soon.

“Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.”  -Rumi